Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun Cactus Scene Craft

Here in Tucson its Rodeo Week ... Yee Haw
I love theme kids crafts that are super easy !

This one can definitely be finished before something
else catches their attention :)

Supplies Needed:
Blue/Green/ Brown Construction Paper, Glue and (not pictured) rice First thing first draw cactus on your green paper.

Than have your little cowboys cut out their cactus.
I forgot to take a picture of it but out of construction paper I cut a 'dirt scene' for the bottom of their blue paper.Than they went to work gluing their cactus. Next came Elmers glue . . . and than the rice :)
Kasen's Tucson Rodeo Scene

and Taelor's Tucson Rodeo Scene .

Fun Fact : Most people don't know in Tucson,
we don't get Presidents Day off of school, we get two days for Rodeo
Happy Crafting !


  1. How fun, what a great craft for the kids. I hopped my way over from My Backyard Eden and look forward to hopping into you again sometime.


  2. These came out so cute... and perfect for Rodeo!

  3. How cute! What a fun project idea.

    Hop over to my site! I'd love to have you link up at my For the Kids Fridays link party.


  4. I love the rice spikes! So cute.

  5. Thanks so much for linking up to For the Kids Fridays at sunscholars.blogspot.com. I hope to have you join us again this Friday!


  6. what a fun project! The rice really looks awesome!


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